It’s a Pot Holder Type of Day

Cold Weather Finger Therapy
Don’t you just hate it when the weather guys are right on with their forecasts. The minus temps came and the minus temps have stayed and will more than likely be here when I awake tomorrow morning. Dennis kept me informed most of the day when the number had bumped a degree or so. I decided my day was not going to be about ruminating about something I had no control over.
I fussed around in my stashes and decided today was a good pot holder making day. Having a few new ones about is always a good idea for that little bit of an addition to a bridal shower event. This particular stash goes back to Carrie and Kevin’s grandmother, Esther Schafer’s stash of crochet thread, cotton yarn and acrylic yarn. The storage tub gets cracked every once in awhile when the mood strikes. The week before Christmas when I was doing mittens for Dennis and a new hat for myself the same stash was visited. At the time in the distant past no one else was interested in that type of inheritance and I was not shy about taking it and enjoying all during these times past.
My project today was not all that difficult but the single crochets allowed me to think back on Esther Schafer’s crochet projects. What I was most impressed with were the crocheted thread window panels in the dining room of their Hector home. The window were the long 83 inch ones that every older home had. Panels were each crocheted wide enough as to have a bountiful gather stemming and flowing from the curtain rod. Four windows each giving anyone that had an eye for creative art an indication of the hours the fingers did the tension dance with the thread entwined.
I still have grandiose ideas and plans in my head for some of Esther’s crochet thread in my stash but today I had to settle on the utilitarian side of life. Maybe another day.