It’s a Bit of Feeling Excitement and Nervousness
I have been working on a project for some time with my sewing machine. It is almost beyond my comprehension. I felt so strongly about getting this multi-tasking machine . . . it does take my breath away to push myself to new heights. This particular project was detailed and timely. It took in so many aspects for my gray matter to process. Finding the right pattern online was fun. Downloading the pattern and then configuring it into the size that would fit into my plans was actually quite exciting. I had fabric in mind and only a certain amount of it. I needed to be very careful to make sure that once I hit the “go” button, each and every time. There would be no turning back.
Each day, I cautiously proceed. Now that I am in the quilting step of this project, I know I have to back away from it from time to time. I think the longer I sew, the closer I find my nose to the needle. The needle stays constant and it all depends on how
I move my hands as to how the end result will look. I do a bit and then take a break and check out the yard or think about what to fix for supper. I am not in a rush with this and taking a lot of breaks will serve me well. This is the most detailed project thus far. Going back to working with piecing a quilt top will feel like a breeze.