It Was Nice

It was nice while it lasted.  I had superior lighting coming over my right shoulder to either read or stitch.  This afternoon after tidy tidy duties were done, I was going to stitch a bit.  Hmm.  The fan on my Fairfax unit was running, but no light.

Dennis was called into action.  The unit was gotten open for a good look-see.  A tiny bulb incased in a rectangular looking clear resin with the prongs of the bulb extended.  In the inside was the parts number as only Burton bulbs were to be used.

Of course I went online.  Burton medical products are still being manufactured.  Their base is in England.  My light source is from the dark ages. 

I think I had the best for a time.  At least I know how wonderful it feels to have adequate lighting for reading and stitching.  I did go to antique medical devices.  I found Nova bulbs that look like the unit that Dennis had taken out to look at.  There was no reference that came close to the bulb number we had.  At $144.00 or $180.00 for a pack of four, it would be a huge gamble.  Sometimes we need to pull on our big girl panties and invest in the modern day equipment that we need for a quality of life.

It may well be OTT light time.

It is almost 80 outside but the day feels wonderful.  I think if I were to check, the dewpoint and humidity would have low numbers. 

Dennis is taking the day easy as I think he may have overdone it yesterday in his quest of hobby farming.

Enjoy the week everyone.  Each day brings challenges and surprises . . . don’t I know it.