It Never Gets Old

Above the bridge and far beyond to the east, Dennis
is doing due diligence to the last of the yards.
The satisfaction of having our yards mowed and trimmed never gets old. Oh yes, when the grass mowing begins in April and then weekly thereafter, August does give us a well-deserved break. Last week we scored two rainfalls within 24 hours that left us with a total of five inches. It was amazing how everything perked up and greened up. Within several days the grass has grown to the point it was seeding out.
Today the air quality and temperatures were perfect to be outside. A while back we decided that two individual power packs were the way to go for the weed trimmer. Today they both were worked down to where there was barely a grunt left in them. The cool fall air with cloud cover took its sweet time for the dew to dissipate off of the grass. Nothing looks worse than wet grass clumping as it’s being cut. It was the perfect time to do all the trimming, first allowing for a polished finished look when the mowers made their pass. As always some areas are lush, while others can be a bit scant.
I had finished with the push mowing before Dennis and his rider could call it quits. It gave me a chance to re-pot a house plant. I put all the house plants outside once the fear of frost is over in the spring. Being a bit sheltered they do great, but demand fresh dirt with good nutrients to make it through the long winter inside with drier than usual air.
The finish to a great day will be two burgers on the grill for supper. Add to the burgers some American Fries and baked beans and the menu will be complete. While Dennis is manning the grill he will be surveying his mowed, trimmed and tidy kingdom. As I said, it never gets old.