It May Not Be As It Appears

It appears to be a lazy fall day. What it really transpired into was nothing less than it looking like a water fight. I had the noon dining room table set for Dennis and me. I was just about to sit down when out of the blue came a fumble of my right arm that sent my full water glass with the trajectory of a small missile. The table top, myself, the cushioned dinette chair and the floor five feet out from the table were left with dripping water. I looked at Dennis and his eyes were huge. I burst out laughing and took the water that had filled the plate and dumped it out on the table as well. For the amount of cleanup that was required, I could not believe the water glass was still a third full. Dennis said he didn’t feel so bad as he was usually the one with the “oops.” I was a bit late in finally having a bite for noon lunch, but the table top was totally cleaned as well as the majority of the dining room floor. Wearing dry clothes, lunch still tasted good, complete with dill pickles out of the quart jar with our hand dandy pickle spearer.