It is Going Well

A good Saturday with good weather outside.  My day is going well.  Laundry done and a chauffeured trip to the grocery store . . . can’t beat it.  I picked up the ingredients that I needed to try out a new cheesy cauliflower dish for Thanksgiving.  Got it done for supper and time will tell.  There will be some beef meatballs to go with it this evening.  Slam dunk and even got the dishes done.  I always make quite a mess in the kitchen . . . even more so with my T-Rex arms and shoulders that don’t reach as well as they once did. 

Dennis is hatching a project for himself in the garage.  That meant that we also needed to stop for a can of Zip Strip.  There has been an old wooden highchair in the patio porch for a number of years.  I paid five dollars for it at a garage sale on a day when Lois and Calvin had come to see us and Lois and I made a few stops up the street.  That was before they moved to Iowa.  Ya . . . it’s been in the porch for awhile.

Second-ShadeI had such success with my green lamp shade that I painted yesterday with semi-gloss interior paint, I decided to so the second hanging lamp shade in Dessert Stone . . . which is actually a lavender.  The semi-gloss paint was used in the bathroom quite a few years ago. 

There are now plans underway that call for me to get our supper going and then I am off the clock for the day.  There is a good schedule of PBS shows that come on at seven.  Dennis has gotten hooked on them as well.  They are mysteries and the best part is that there are no commercials.  

Sure hope everyone had a day that went well for them . . . as I did.