It is amazing what the mind can conjure up for trivia in memories. I mentioned several days ago our neighbors to the west were moving. She came over last night to say goodbye. She was holding her two month old baby and the baby was quite content. The entire time the mom was moving the baby up and down at a fairly good clip as one would do when a child might be fussing. What came to my mind as I watched was what Orlin had insisted on when Carrie and Kevin were infants. The essence of his thought was: small babies are working hard to focus their eyesight during the first months . . . why would you constantly keep them in motion to make any focus impossible for them. Needless to say Carrie and Kevin were not shook in that manner when they were infants. Holding them and gently rubbing their backs was our mode of operation. It worked. I found it difficult to keep Orlin’s thought out of my mind the entire time she stayed. I wished them well as they headed out. Ya . . . it’s amazing what the gray matter brings straight to the forefront as if it happened yesterday and not 49 years ago. I rather enjoy those memories.
On a lighter note, my favorite chair gives me a view out of our north living room window. The lilac bushes show the activity of everything in the greens and the birds that frequent the bush. It also happens to be in close proximity to the water that the sump pump brings to the surface in our yard north of the house. It is much like a communal bathtub. It has been a great venue of Robins, Cardinals and Blue Jays. Even the squirrels give their fair share of performances. Enjoyable to say the least to watch what Mother Nature has to share.