It Is All About Moral Support

In the recent past I have met some very special people that I would not have usually crossed paths with in my day-to-day routines.

Last week I had the opportunity to call JoAnn.  I had never met her as she lives in the metro area.  In relationship to Stauffer Avenue, the big city life is a long, long way off.  A friend of mine referred me to her as someone who could be visited with in regard to what she is going through after her “reverse shoulder” surgery. With me, having had two of these procedures within one calender year, JoAnn needed some moral support in her recovery.  All I had been given was her phone number and we had just the best visit.  Will I ever met her in person? Most likely not.  Just allowing her to vent and for her to know that although her family could not commiserate with her, someone out there could. These concerns and feelings were very real for her.  I could easily relate to some of her day-to-day challenges.  Knowing that there was someone who had walked this path before, and that the distant destination was doable, was all she wanted and needed to hear.

This week an insurance man, who Dennis and I had worked with in the past, visited via the phone that his wife was in a swing bed in our local hospital after having both of her knees replaced at the same time.  Though my knees are now eleven years old, it was something near and dear to my heart.  Pete was in Joyce’s room when I paid a call, and interestingly enough, Pete had more questions about her recovery after she was discharged than she did.  Joyce was dealing with things in the moment and Pete had all these visions going through his mind as he would be the “Adult Day Care Provider” through the weeks of rehabilitation in their home.  Ease of mobility in our home never is a priority until the need arises.  Just a little moral support to reinforce that this was a good choice for Joyce’s health and yes, Pete, this, too, shall pass.

I finished the afternoon by having an appointment with my family doctor and a specialist to review the results of the MRI of my back. When I returned home I received much needed moral support from hubby Dennis. Friday, we will be going to Mankato seeking a fitting for a back brace to alleviate some spinal cord pinching that is coupled with arthritis.  I do want to pursue the back brace along with some exercises before I would entertain any type of surgery.

Moral support, whether given or taken, is just as important as the actual diagnosis.  Yes, moral support is just spoken words, but it does ease the mind for the person on the receiving end.  It allows for the ensuing instructions to be acknowledged and adhered to for the end result: a better quality of life.