It has been Great

The fall temperatures that we have had . . . I give them 150%.  Totally my kind of weather.  

There are some leaves falling from the giant Maple and Oak trees.  As we drove yesterday to Windom, the soybean fields are showing signs of turning.  I know the farming community is not looking for an early frost.  In the end, it will be what will be.

Dennis got busy outside today and I had not kept track of him for a time.  When I did seek him out, he had one of our cement lawn ornaments loaded and heading for the potting shed.  Dennis must feel the early fall pressure as well.  We had put out less of the lawn ornaments this year than in summers past.  It may dwindle even more so next year.

If we are lucky there might be four months that are perfect for flowerbeds to look as if someone does live here and does enjoy tending the plants.  The feeling of working the flowerbeds is hugely satisfying . . . but it doesn’t last.  The high spring winds, the hail storms and then the heat that comes with its own kind of merciless winds all take its toll.  The prettiness doesn’t last.   What does last is the stress and strain that has been put on the joints and tendons.  I am sacrificing a feeling of physically good for more months after than I want to admit . . . nope, it just doesn’t pencil out.

Perhaps if I could totally get over the inflammation on my feet from the episode of late August when I walked in the neighbor’s yard and ended up with chiggers, I would have a better outlook on being outside and gardening.  All types of home remedies have been tried, such as: soaking my feet in water that has just as much baking soda in it as water, patting the feet dry, as you surely don’t want to rub them and start the itching, putting on a paste of wet soda, and today the latest is trying some hemp oil.  I have taken Benadryl.  It contains antihistamine to fight the histamine of the infection. This irritant surely can’t last forever.  Patience, patience.

Couple the less than happy feet with the pair of eyes that are unhappy due to not having the lens in my glasses that would let them work harmoniously.  October 5th is just around the corner for that to be taken care of.  

My secret to overcome the less than good things in today’s world is to stay as busy as possible with what I can handle.  Surprisingly, working on a project with the embroidery sewing is serving me well. Getting each hoop set up takes me the longest right now, but after that I know it will stitch out just as I would want it.

Time to quit griping and enjoy the late day with some patio time.