It Continues

I believe it was last Wednesday when I was released from physical therapy by Mike T. for a naughty hip.  I have been walking a bit every day since.  It feels great.

The first thing that I did when I came home that day of being released was get onto the portal for my Mayo Clinic site and ask my general practitioner for a prescription to be able to have physical therapy for my upper back and neck.  The chiropractor that my GP had suggested who also did acupuncture said he couldn’t help me after several attempts. 

Today was my first session with Mike T. for the neck and shoulders and upper back.  It does all tie together.  Mike T. has gotten me through a very lot ever since the knees were replaced fifteen years ago.  I know many who have had their knees replaced and are still limping with some discomfort.  Not this gal!

I believe I am in the best of medical hands possible.  Believing in your doctor is the first step to a better life.

Speaking of a better life . . . Dennis has had one heck of a great season.  Today the hoses from the sides of the house are being blown out and hung in the potting shed.  May his good days continue for a long time to come.

Our new Lewis Drug Store is open this week.  It is located out towards the hospital.  I visited out there this afternoon to pick up my one $2.97 prescription and congratulated the staff on having such a nice facility to work in.

My future continues on to a better life each and every day . . . minding my Ps and Qs.  Oh yes, I remember how that saying came about.  Picking handset type . . . those two lowercase letters could be confused for each other.  It is onto fixing some chicken tenders for supper.