In the Air

For sure, there was a feeling of fall in the air this morning.  Dennis grabbed a light-weight jacket on his way out the door with his breakfast box and coffee in hand.

I passed on sitting on the front deck this morning.

I knew we would be getting company about 10:30 this morning, and I wanted to have the noon meal planned and prepared.

Oh my gosh Nicholas is 6’1″.  He likes his job at Chik-fil-A.  It is a part of his Jr. year that colleges begin putting out a day during a school day for the kids to visit each table, picking up information.

Megan is back in the classroom while working part time and keeping up apartment life.

The Eden Prairie family of four left at 1:30 as Megan will fly back home later this afternoon.  It was a short visit.  When grandchildren still want to visit us older ones . . . its always special.

Dennis Daughter Sandy stopped by this afternoon to see how we had gotten through the rest of the week.

Sandy’s youngest daughter participates in the Ultimate Fighting Competition.  She won her match against a Russian Friday night and won the belt from her.  Cheyanne is now in it for the purse strings.  I can’t wrap my head around it, but we each do our own thing and live our own lives.

We have had quite a few friends of Jeff’s stop in these last days and I know we are ready to pull in with what we do here on Stauffer Avenue, live quietly.

Dennis will be ram-rodding the tree fellow tomorrow.  I will be content to take the Monday laundry basket on.

It’s officially fall, folks, with September already half over.  It doesn’t matter much to me, I enjoy one day just like another.

With that I will take my leave.  ♥