In Real Estate It's About What Feels Right
Over the forty plus years of working in the real estate assessment profession the challenge was always put forth as to the real worth of a parcel or a building in regard to it’s taxable value. It had bearing on the age, the condition and the style. In the end it was all about how comfortable the property felt to its occupant.

The Wren House Designed by Dr. Seuss
In our small community one would be hard pressed to find the perfect property that is so often portrayed in the media. The train runs the length of the town many times during the day and night. One mile on either side of the tracks and you are out of town. Several food processing plants emit the smell of bacon bits that are being processed. In the fall of the year we have pink corn chaff floating every which way via the breeze and winds as they change direction. No one thinks twice about any of those things as it becomes the familiar essence of normal. Normal brings with it tranquility and contentment.
I can tell you that this afternoon our tenant in the backyard couldn’t express enough how content she was in her home. So much so that I thought any moment she would become hoarse and the chatter would stop. Mrs. Wren loves her Dr. Seuss home. It is bulging at the seams with life much like our home. Size doesn’t seem to deter her as generally there are bits of twigs hanging out the front door as she is re-arranging the traffic pattern within her home. Mrs. Wren drove home the point that home is where the contented heart is. I must so agree with her. It would take something quite spectacular for Dennis and I to consider leaving our world of contentment here on Stauffer Ave.