I’m Thankful

Well . . . here I am on Stauffer Avenue for the entire day.  Our stitcher’s lunch had to be postponed until next Monday.  Bummer.  

One of our stitchers is under the weather with an episode of gout.  Sharon can’t get her shoes on let alone socks.  Hmm.  Yesterday when I visited with my Aunt Janet in Brownton, she was suffering from gout in her hands to the degree that she can’t enjoy her favorite past time of reading.  Her hands hurt too much to hold a book.  As of last night, Dennis’ right foot is quite swollen.  Does gout spring forth in abundance in the spring of the year?  

I am thankful that I am not experiencing what three of my favorite people are experiencing.  

I managed to rumble around the main floor of the house for the morning and hit the sewing studio this afternoon.  I am experimenting on how to quilt within the blocks of the suede barn blocks.  As quiet as the main floor of our home is, I take it that Dennis is really not in the mood for much socialization.  That is the exact sentiment I got when I did give my friend Sharon a phone call this forenoon.  She reiterated how Dennis felt . . . “don’t really care if anyone even looks at me let alone try and do something for me.”  Yup, I am thankful for whatever aches and pains that I may have and will leave the gout patients to their own.  Dennis is on a medication for gout, but when I researched it, it may well take three to four weeks for it to impact the uric acid that his kidneys need to react to.  I did find out from Sharon that Advil is really hard on kidney function.  I did not know that and am thankful that Dennis has not tapped into that bottle in our home.

Advil is hard on kidneys, Aleve is hard on the liver function.  Again, I say, I will put up with my minor aches and pains and tough it out.

The sun was out for some of the day and the temperatures were high enough for melting to take place,  My oh my, Stauffer Avenue is one huge mud puddle.  I am thankful I have had a good day.  Catch you all tomorrow.