I know when to throw in the towel…

Tricked out Pickup Garage.
I know when to throw in the towel. Well, not so much a throw as a regretful fling. Several of the flower gardens are now stripped of their garden art. Dennis encouraged it as he knows how much my arthritic hands hurt when the days are cold and I am making trip after trip from the gardens into the potting shed. Every spring I vow that I am not going to do the decorating of the gardens and before I know it one after another item has dribbled out of the potting shed and it has found its way to just the perfect spot. Just as there are perfect spots for each of the items to be placed, there are certain places in the potting shed where each needs to rest during the winter months. I know when everything has been taken in it will not be nearly as painful to begin cutting down the perennials.
It was a wet day today and after realizing how wet my feet had gotten and were soaked through I called it a day and decided to join Dennis in the garage porch for a cup of hot coffee. Dennis is feeling quite smug right about now as his garage porch and his pickup garage have had a lot of TLC. As he sat there sipping coffee I knew he was contemplating framing out the windows in his pickup garage for a finished look. Will he hit me up for curtains? It wouldn’t surprise me. What a guy.