I have come to enjoy my walking experience. At the onset each day it feels like I have a tube of wet sand strapped to my lower back from side to side. After several blocks the ole body realizes I am not going to give in and it relaxes and decides to enjoy the time. Arthritis needs to be exercised or it will become nestled into the joints much like the calcium that can accumulate around water faucets until the original faucet isn’t even recognizable.

Many decades ago small children might have had a pull toy made with the likeness of an animal printed on lightweight wood. It had a circular wheels that had multiple pairs of feet printed on the wheels. As the child pulled the toy the wheels went around and around making it appear that the feet were in constant movement forward to keep up with the child that was towing the toy. As I get my stride going, traveling the county road during my walk, I feel much like that toy. An inner strength is thrusting me forward and my feet just keep going and going. Hey . . . ya gotta do whatever it takes to stay motivated.

At a point on my return to home, once I can see through the backyards and the bathroom window on the east side of our home I seem to be able to pick up a bit of steam as I round the corner of the county road onto our street. I know that there is hot coffee waiting to enjoy while I cool down. Yup, it was a good 40 minutes spent. Megan was right, Grammie can do it.