I had never kept it a secret that I would miss the days when Megan and Nicholas couldn’t spend as much time with us as in their toddler days. Long weekends and even 5 to 6 days at a stretch would find the kids seeking and searching every corner in our home or seeing what the large Maple tree held in store for their times with us. Wise ole Uncle Kevin . . . “When Megan gets a bit older, Mother, she will be calling you on her own, emailing you or perhaps even texting you.” Sure enough. It has all come to pass. Once a week Megan and I have texted back and forth. Last night I texted her and wished her well for her skating competition today. Not less than a few moments after the competition was over with, I received Megan’s message that she had won first place today. A few moments later, I received a photo via my phone of her hand holding the first place award. A bit later Carrie sent a photo of Megan and her coach. I so do love the modern tech stuff and all it holds. Having kids that can give good advice and sharing what is going on sure doesn’t hurt either.