I Believe

I believe we will still have warm temps and sunny skies.  We had an additional two inches of rain overnight will chilly air for the entire day.  Hmm. Tomorrow it may get into the high 50s with a strong wind.     

We drove to Mankato for a great granddaughter birthday today. Luella is now two.  As we drove it was sad to see all the bean fields with water standing in the rows.  Dennis commented if we get warm weather and the pods dry out, they may very well burst and the beans will shell out.  The only solution to that according to my ole cowboy is to run cattle into the field and use it as feed.  Ya, right . . . how many farmers have cattle to allow to run in a field with an electric fence to hold them in.  It will be an interesting fall harvest.   

Our sump pump is running, again turning our yard to the north into a swamp.  Five inches in that many days is not the norm.  Last night Dennis put a pump on top of the drain where our sump pump surfaces and is turning it off and on sporadically to drain more water out into the street.  Quite the fall season.

We are comfy in our home for the remainder of the weekend.  There is no place like home.