I Am Back

I am back in the studio today on the fifth day of February.  First things first . . . turn on all the overhead lights.  Second on the agenda . . .  tuning in KNUJ on the portable radio.

It felt just plain ass good.

SuppliesI knew that puttering around in my Stauffer Avenue Michael’s-like stashes would tell me what and how much I had to work with.  Hmm.  I had forgotten that the foam I had in a roll was two sided fusible.  I had only thought it was one sided.  Never mind, I will make it work.  The piece of linen I used for the machine embroidery is really scant on the bottom.  I have always known I would use quilt batting on the back side of the embroidered piece to free motion quilt everything other than the actual letters themselves, allowing for the letters to pop off.  The color of the thread I will use is labeled as Wild Rice.  A very close match to the linen as I do not want the free motion quilting to take away from the letters.  I have just enough of the silk quilt batting for that job.  Linen fabric ravels super easy.  As I type, Fray Check is drying on that scant bottom of the embroidery.  That aspect of the project, I am still thinking on.

Dennis cut the piece of the hog paneling for me for the length I needed.  I put off putting the hanger on the back side of the covered panel so it would lay perfectly flat when I needed it to.  I cut the fusible foam for the length and width with extra inches.  I tried out our very old carpenter’s stapler on the piece of paneling I do not need.  That staple was put into the paneling with the fabric I intend to use to cover the paneling with.  I will have enough width and length to bring the covered fabric over the paneling to staple it down.  It held really well.

The quilted linen piece with the letters will be affixed to the foam-covered green fabric with . . . 

Ya, about that.  My plan was to turn under a scant 3/4″ of the linen with copper covered upholstery tacks.

This is a good time to shut down the studio.  All materials have been thought through, measured and laying out on the church tables.  I literally will need to sleep on all of this.

It’s a good thing I had one more package of a hot dish in the freezer.  My thinking cap has worn me out.

With that I take my leave.  ♥