Hyde, Hyde, Ho
The first blast of the air feeling as if it were 3 above.
I had no plans of experiencing the cold air. Dennis on the other hand needed to be at the clinic here in town for an x-ray. The x-ray was to determine the condition of his new hip that had been done on the 5th of October. I just got off of the Mayo portal to check what was recorded. Of the clinical notes, I focused on the phrase that allowed me to know the implant was secure and stable.
I have set up a bit of a schedule for myself in the studio. About 10:30 in the morning the lights in the studio go on. KNUJ is next on the list. They have great local news. What did surprise me is that the flour mill in Mankato will be closing the first part of January, 2025. It is the iconic silos that I see coming into town from 169 with the art-work of bigger than life children. Amazing loss of jobs . . . I would think.
Back to the studio. I am working on an old trunk that is perched on a dolly that easily moves the trunk so I can work on the trunk’s wooden cover. In today’s mail I received addition chisel blades for my X-Acto. I think all is progressing well. The oil-cloth covering is either glued down tight or loose. I would love to know what kind of glue was used. It for sure was mot Elmer’s. Slow but sure. After about an hour and a half or two hours, my coffee cup is empty and I reach for all the components of power to be shut down.
Whether it is stitching, sewing, reading or chiseling . . . I like to keep each at a reasonable length of time.
With the continued gusts of strong winds the leaves that had still been on the trees have given up.
I have a small flag that is stripped onto and over a steel rod that I can see from my bedroom porch. The flag has not had any type of relief in several days . . . nor has the wind chimes hanging in the evergreen on the northwest corner of the house.
This evening it is soup and a sandwich for supper.
I did call my brother Calvin last night in Iowa. His move from Decorah to Cloquet is on target. Moving into an assisted living unit . . . of course there is paperwork up the butt. Calvin is taking it all in stride as his son Eric is at the helm. I believe when his wife Lois passed away several years ago, and with no family in Decorah, it was a bit lonely.
With that I will take my leave. ♥