Hurry Up and Wait
What’s a body to do! With it being the 12th of March, we are in a “hurry up and wait” mode. There is three feet of snow on the ground, it is beginning to rain and the feelings are helpless.
Dennis decided on his path of action today. With the patio porch being evacuated, Dennis took all the rag rugs that have been used this winter whether in the house, in the basement or in the patio porch and headed to the laundromat. One more item that needs to be taken care of. Rag rugs do not do well in an automatic home washer. Too much weight that does not shift equally.
Though the Santa Project is ongoing and Santa is in the sewing studio, there needs to be some supplies gotten for his infrastructure. Bent and broken pieces of cardboard need to be replaced with something a bit more durable. Dennis has the idea of what we need to look for and perhaps a place like Hobby Lobby would be the start of the search the next time we go to Mankato.
In the meantime . . . with snow on the ground I am still able to think of getting some items done for Christmas 2019. Watching YouTube videos is wonderful. Making Christmas tree decorations via the embroidery has turned out quite satisfying. The felt needed was in my stash. Tracing out the pattern from a printed download was done sitting at the dining room table.
The project is called Stitching in the Hoop. Nothing needs to be done for completion after the design is stitched from A to Z. The key is that once the front of the design is stitched onto the stabilizer and felt, the hoop is taken off of the machine, tipped over, a duplicate piece of felt and ribbon is attached via fabric glue to the underside and then placed right side up, back into the embroidery module.
The final satin stitching is done around the entire design, finishing it. The stabilizer is torn away from the finished project. No more is needed to be done. I do enjoy remembering family during Christmastime and this was the perfect way for me to stay busy. Not many stitching changes on the sewing machine to aggravate the shoulders and neck. It does feel good to have something to show for the time of the hurry and wait for spring to be enjoyed.
I am not sure what Dennis is finding to do tomorrow as this rain is going to stick around. In that regard, I have quite a few of these shapes traced onto felt . . . I am set.