Hump Day

It’s now official, the month of October is half over.

 I spent a good amount of time with Dennis this morning.  I visited with both of the gals that are doing PT with Dennis.  This coming Saturday will be two weeks that Dennis has had his hip replaced.  He has been at Good Samaritan a week yesterday.  The report is that he is in good spirits and very cooperative.  They have assigned places in the dining room.  The social worker also gave him good reviews.  They wished he wouldn’t get in and out of his room on his own, mainly the bathroom, and he doesn’t use the call light.  I asked them if the call light would be used would someone be in his room in 5-10 minutes?  Hmm . . . no, most likely a half hour.  Well . . . hello!

I was queried as to what the family has given thought to.  Would we like to see Dennis stay until they thought he was ready to go home or go home when we felt he was ambulatory.  I allowed them to know the family has not discussed that as yet.  I did share my thoughts that recovery in the their own home always makes for a patient of good mind.  When I shared that I had had open heart surgery on a Thursday and was home before dark on Saturday, they both just looked at each other.

Food for thought.

Monday Dennis has an eye injection in Mankato.  Upon hearing that they will start working with Dennis on the ease of transport.  Denise said she would take him.  Sweet!  Dennis eyes have really done well.  He even passed his driver’s eye test without his glasses when he went in right after his birthday.  We already had missed the injection on the 7th.  It is important.  I know I can drive.  I know I can handle myself.  I do not want to take a chance of being in charge of myself as well as Dennis.

Box-TopYesterday afternoon and into the evening I worked with the canon camera and the HP.  Thank goodness for YouTube.  Thank goodness . . . I got it!  Whew!  I know Nicholas would have had it fixed in a heart beat.  Sooooo, I can share with you the progress I have made on the cover of Ester Schafer’s wooden circular box.  I have quite a bit of hand sewing to do.  It feels good to have a solution on the raw finish of the counted stitch fabric.  I have my clips holding the bias tape I have made.  If I take a day to ponder it, I may sew the inner ring of the bias tape with my sewing machine.  I will make sure if I do, that I do a practice piece for the right stitch and the length of said stitch.

With this day having been good, and dusty, I was going to tip in two windows of my bedroom porch tomorrow and give them a wash.  On second thought, a rain shower would really help.  I may wait a day or two.

With that I take my leave.  ♥