How Dare I?

For now – This cap goes where Dennis goes during winter months.
As I was getting some laundry sorted this morning I snafued Dennis’ Legend Seed Corn cap for a good washing. Oh yes, it is the one with fuzzy ear flaps. It was not given up voluntarily. I am not sure how this winter cap was acquired in days of old – like fifteen years go. Dennis and his brother Roger were each given one and you would have thought they were from a limited edition collection from Cabelias or Scheels. This yearly event had the cap surrender to the Shout Triple-Action Stain Remover and then was immersed into the sudsy laundry water. The important part of washing Dennis’ caps is to retain the integrity of the cap’s bill. There is nothing like a coffee ground container to help shape and dry the precious cargo. It sits on the counter as a sub had to be used for the day. From the outside it still looks to be in pretty good shape. The test will be if the bill and interfacing choose to remain attached. It may become a beanie with ear flaps.
I do not know what will happen when Dennis realizes that this winter may very well be the last that the cap can endure. Hmm – I may have to check out ebay and see if there could be a replacement for future cold weather seasons. If taps can be heard coming from Stauffer Avenue you will all know that everything possible had been done and a living directive was enforced by me and Dennis is in mourning.