Hopefully the Mowing Season is Over

Tidy, tidy for the changing of the seasons.
I know we have said several times, “That’s the last of the lawn mowing.” Today Dennis and I shook hands on it. Thankfully, strong winds of the weekend stripped the large Maple and Oak trees down to the bare branches. After working outside mowing and mulching all the yards, we could have been mistaken for a couple that just crossed the boarder from way down south. The only thing dirtier than pulverized leaf dust might be ashes. Even Butter Ball looked a bit darker as there was no way piles of leaves went unnoticed. This is a cat that is just a joy to have around. I do mean around. Nothing gets by his curiosity.

Butter Ball, right in the thick of the activity.
We put the mowers away and enjoyed a can of Coke on the patio. Everything goes better with a Coke. Wrong move. I looked up and commented on the neat looking clouds and all Dennis was seeing were the eavestroughs full of leaves on the garage and porch. Out came the stepladder and a garden trowel. I was amazed how full they were. If you don’t catch it in the fall, the spring season brings nothing but muck that clogs the down spouts.
As the late afternoon is settling in, the clouds are quite heavy and we may get the rain that is forecast for tomorrow, coupled with 30 mile per hour winds. Right now, as soon as I dream something up for supper, I could care less. Supper? After a day like today, I would like to wiggle my ears and have a meal appear. Dennis has always commented that no matter what we have never gone hungry here on Stauffer Avenue. Life is always sweet on Stauffer Avenue.