Hold On

Hold onto small children and small animals.  This wind is wicked.  It is not consistent, so the leaves really don’t know where to fall for a final resting spot.

This late forenoon, AJ and his friend Dan did get the huge cabinet out of Dennis’ bedroom put in the living room.  I would have posted a photo, but . . . all is not well with at “fix.”  I will take my time reloading it in the coming days.

Dennis’ two potted plants are in the patio porch safe from the killing frost that we all know will be coming sooner or later.

Denise dropped off Dennis’ laundry.  The word is out that if the facility gets a hold of patient’s clothing, it may never be seen again.

With this brisk 42-degree-feeling day, I had plans on staying home today.  On Sundays, it seems as if one of the patients get a visitor, they most likely will also get folks to drop in if familiar. Who doesn’t know Dennis!  

Last night was the first of any stitching I had done all week.  Just as I was going to get ready for bed, I took a good look as to what the hoop held.  I have always known that the word I had just finished stitching had six letters in it.  Hmm.  Mine now had only five.  The only letter that did not need ripping out due to the spacing was the last letter.  Oh Joy!  I did clean up the mess so that the next time I stitched the start of it would feel better.

I have had an early supper.  I call it a Dagwood sandwich, the comparison to the old Sunday paper funnies.  Two slices of bread using spinach chip dip as the butter.  A slice of cheese. some lettuce topped with oven roasted turkey lunch meat.  It was quite tasty.  Got that bit of the day over and done with.

Curfew for the three kitties is going well.  Six may still have daylight for a few more days, but if they can’t get their traipsing around between 10 and six, they’re not doing it right.  It is remarkable how much water they go through.

Another week is knocking at the door.  It seems as time does move faster as I am getting older.  The lesson of not putting things that need doing off, does more often than not drive my days.

With that I will take my leave.  ♥