Hold On

Hold on to all that is not nailed down today.  The winds are horrific.  When the winds are this strong from the north, the service door has to be latched from the outside when Dennis comes and goes.  When Dennis is sequestered in the patio porch, he blocks the door from the inside as the winds will blow the door open and shut non stop.  We may have had some wet stuff that fell as there are icy spots on our driveway.  With some thawing temps off and on, our patio would make a great ice rink.  

Mini-QuiltI did wear myself out in the studio today.  I now have three pinwheels stitched out.  It is a lot of trimming of the foam and both colors that make up the pinwheels.  The most challenging is to get the four corners pinned down and getting glue where it needs to be.  Tomorrow when I release the pinwheels from all the pins, that will tell the story to see if more glue is needed in certain spots.  It is difficult waiting for glue to dry.  My dad’s saying comes to mind, “You don’t have time to do it right, but you always have time to do it over.”

There are quite a few other embellishments to fabricate.  It is all putzie and a good left hand is sorely missed.  I know I will need Dennis to help tie a knot on the fruit jar of flowers in order for a bow to finish it off when all is said and done.  There is plenty of time before that will be needed.   The red pickup needs to have a twine banner strung with flags.  The pinwheels go atop the three pop bottles.  A pair of cherries adorn the large dark blue block in the middle of the mini-quilt with twine from a green bow.  I have made two cherries in the block above the dark blue block out of circular scraps that are gathered in the middle. 

This mini-quilt is so unusual as in the embellishments are three dimensional and placed on embroidered blocks.  In a pieced quilt, it is all straight stitched one block unto another.  Between you and me . . . I think I am ready for the mundane pieced project.

Hold on . . . for a second time, our appointment in Mankato for Dennis’ foot to be checked has been rescheduled from this Thursday, to next Monday to next Wednesday.  It is a good thing we have plenty of supplies to redress it every other night.