
It doesn’t really excite me, when I left for my walk this morning, I noticed snow shovels by the back door.  It cannot be said that Dennis is not prepared.

I have changed my route in the last several days for my walk.  My knees are telling me, I may need to rethink that.  Walking on gravel is very different than the hard surface of the tar road.  I know I have been given a medical explanation of this in times past.  My ole body doesn’t mince messages.

Dennis found “people” today.   Dennis has been hinting about having our own burning pit for some time.  One never knows when we have overstayed our welcome with our neighbor Bob when using his fire pit.  We now have a fairly large tire rim for an area east of the patio porch.  Ironically it will fit right over a shrub that Dennis is not in like with.  It seems to be annoying him when he is mowing.  

I spent some time baking and getting winter coats out so they are handy.  

Our UPS depot is open from 4 – 6 p.m. for getting parcels out of town.  Larry’s wife Jennifer should be getting her stitched out items in the next several days.  I know the farming is going full bore for them.  After the field work is completed we are at the edge of holiday schedules.  Our schedules may not agree for a personal hand off.  We felt this was the best way to deliver our goods to the farm.

Each day comes with blessings.  I don’t need to look very hard or wait very long to be in the midst of blessings abound. 

Hmm, I hope it is a long, long time before we need to use those shovels waiting at our back door.