Here Comes Monday
Traffic past the house is indicative that a working Monday is underway. The school buses will soon be out of the fray.
Of course the grass was way too wet for mowing this morning. After Dennis had a coffee guest in the patio porch he decided to check his eyelids for cracks in his recliner.
This afternoon the Cub Lo-Boy was fired up. I walked to the backyard as Dennis was mowing. The new blades are doing a great job. The front yard is done with the Sears rider set at a higher height than anywhere else. It eliminates scalping next to the drive.
I took an oven dish out of the freezer for our evening meal before I visited the studio.
I put several colors, black and orange, out on the table top that now has 16 blocks laying out. I think the bright orange for sashing that is also in the quarter inch trims, is too bright. A two or three inch strip in the orange to sew the blocks together takes away from the continuity as the eye moves from t-shirt block to t-shirt block. The orange and black is laid out. As I work in the studio and catch a glimpse of the two from time to time, in the end I will know what will be best. Food for thought.
In the mean time, in between time, the trim is being made into bias tape strips and then sewn on the 16″ blocks.
After doing six blocks, the lights went out in the studio. I want to do a bit of weed whipping tomorrow. There are always a few places that a rider mower cannot get to. Taking the battery weed whip makes the mowing look complete.
Going out to the front deck, the town is alive with the sound of mowers. Time will tell how many of our yards Dennis will do today.