Hello what a great day after the sun decided to shine. I have had the attitude in the recent past to accept rather than except. Scratch that! My first step toward expecting some better days was to make an appointment that included an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). I knew it was what had to be before I could expect a solution to a health issue. I felt comfortable with having to lie flat on my back on the table and even had a blanket for warmth. The table began to move into the MRI capsule and I could feel the sides if I moved my finger a mere inch. I did have a call light that they put in to my right hand and was I cautioned that for the best results I needed to lie very still and stay for the full stint. As the steel door closed between myself and the lab personnel I realized how cramped it was. It was so loud. I was so alone. I read a book many years ago by the author Stephen King: The Tommie Knockers. It was a scary sci-fi novel and as the MRI began so did my recollection of the horrible things the Tommie Knockers did to their victims. The noise was indeed like someone knocking on a hollow tube. I quieted myself by counting and then I would loose count when the noise changed and I had to start over. When there was a period of total quiet in the machine as the table was moved farther into the capsule I wondered if everyone had left and if I was in this mobile tuna can by myself. The time eventually passed. Stephen King, I know I could best you and call it an auto biography.