
It’s me . . . !

I am the one perched on my cherry red chair taking in the sunshine and feeling the sun’s power through the windows.

When I came up from the studio at two this afternoon, I admit, my fingers were a bit chilly.  No amount of jacking up the thermostat could make enough of a difference in the studio air.  I have a small ceramic heater that oscillates warm air.  I just don’t stay in one place for very long.

Late yesterday I decided to bite the bullet.  I opened all the letters I had been collecting for doing our 2024 income tax.  Dennis was out and about and I knew that starting the process was a good thing.

Amazingly, using the Tax Act program, the entire process went well.  Of course, our filing is such that I input what monies we had coming in and the revenue department takes what it needs.  We do not have itemized deductions.  That eliminates a huge amount of record keeping.  I did do the electronic filing.  The federal filing was free and the state’s was $39.00 and some cents.  We enjoyed our crockpot supper feeling a relief for having the tax filing over with.  We always have to contribute more to the federal as our social security benefits in part are taxable . . . 50%.  Wonder of wonders if  taxing social security in the state of Minnesota ever goes away.  There will be a small stiffen coming back to us from the state.  I doubt if we could fill up both of our vehicles at the gas pumps with that amount.  Oh well.   

This morning when I sat down in front of the HP and checked on things, both the state and federal had accepted our returns. 

We are having leftovers for supper.  It will resemble beef commercials less the bread.  The bread is always an option at the supper table.

I did read a Facebook post this morning from the poet’s corner; “Love yourself with your whole being, as you will be spending a lot of time with yourself.”

With that I will take my leave.  ♥