Hello to the sunshine with . . . very little wind. How sweet is that!
I have had a good conversation with my brother in Cloquet. We chatted back and forth for over an hour. I had not visited with him since Eric had helped him to relocate from Decorah, Iowa, over the Christmas. Calvin stayed at Eric’s, outside of Duluth, for several days as Eric got the assisted living apartment ready to move into.
It has been a change for Calvin, not a bad one. He has a set-up with what he enjoys, much like how it was in Decorah, his television and his computer.
After the New Year, our cousin Mark and his wife popped in to visit Calvin. Mark lives in Finland, north of Duluth. Mark’s dad, Melvin, was the youngest of my mom’s family of eight siblings. Melvin worked and retired from the radar station that was active during war times protecting what may be coming in from across the ocean. Calvin thought the visit was great. It’s been a long time since Decorah held no possibility of a visit such as that.
This morning, Megan and I shared a text back and forth. Her courses are keeping her busy as well as doing some in-service off site related to her endeavors in the classroom.
I have wandered from the studio to my bedroom porch and back. The fabric I want to use for the next embroidery has been squared and the next step is to take in a tutorial on YouTube on a tote bag on which to put the embroidery. I want to make sure I can get the centering of the design.
Super is a container of Chili out of the freezer. Sweet.
Our week is free of any appointments.
There is nothing like having choices throughout my days. I will note that yesterday, Maria commented on the rise of the RSVP cases and covid. Maria shares her salon work week with Windom as well as St. James. Windom seemed to be her biggest concern. I trust Maria and her nursing skills as much as the wickedness of sharp shears for a great haircut. I do believe I will keep my nose down right here in my home. I lack for nothing.
With that I will take my leave. ♥