Great Monday

A 65 degree day out and everyone is enjoying it.  I would have thought for sure that the bugs would have been chilled into hiding with the cold we have had . . . not!

Today was my first day of physical therapy with Mike T.  I had to be honest with him.  I didn’t know if it was the ham strings that attach at the pelvic bone that were pulling at my knees. With them being titanium they were not budging.  Perhaps it was the lower back that was bucking and pulling on the tail bone as if I had sat down hard on a surface that didn’t have any give in it.  All I knew was that I had junk in my trunk and needed help.  Not being comfortable in any one place whether sitting or standing for any length of time . . . that’s not a good thing.  Needless to say it didn’t take him long to find something to attack.  The right leg was so tight he was sure Willie Nelson could strum those tendons and such just like a banjo.  Dang he can make his thumbs dig and press so hard, you’d think a bone would shatter.  I am now a work in progress.  It’s either this or better.  Hopefully getting everything done before the winter hits for real.  Mike reminded me that it was about this time last year that I was on his docket.  With the grunt work done for the year, it’s tune up time.

Dennis’ friend Dwayne had one tractor that didn’t sell before Dwayne had to turn over the keys to the new owners of his rural farm place.  One item remained that Dwayne didn’t get sold.  Our back garage now has an H-Farmall tractor with a narrow front end, complete with a bucket.  My oh my.  Dwayne gave Dennis a go-ahead any time Dennis wanted to use it.  Hmm. I don’t want to think about that right now as with a little imagination I can see Dennis using it on the back part of the acre . . . putting that bucket down and rolling sod right along with the snow.

This week has gotten full for us.  Dennis has two appointments on two different days.  If he takes in his Korean Veteran’s luncheon it will be three days in the big city.  Sometime working my whiles with that schedule, we need to stock up on some pantry items.  Our cupboards in the basement are quite sparse.  We had really stocked up in February when the covid first was proclaimed.  It’s now ready for some restocking.  I still like to use Sam’s Club for taxables.  Some of the other items are in too large of a container for me to handle with ease.  Seriously, how large of a quart container do we need for ketchup?  Dennis is our only heavy user.  I can do just as well at the Family Dollar for some items.  I will get my list ready and will include items from Sam’s and Cubs.  

It’s the close to a very pretty bright day.  This week is the week to relish all things Minnesota Indian Summer.