Great Day
We got to spend the entire day here in our favorite spot . . . home!
The temp is a great 67 degrees and perfect for me to spend some time in the yard. I had holes dug on Sunday in anticipation of things to come. Today, I put the sand shovel on my Fleet and Farm wagon and I headed to the east part of the acre. The dig did not go quickly or easily. One small scoop of dirt at a time. When I had two Hosta on the wagon I headed to the patio porch. It was noon and I took a break and watched some news with Dennis in the patio porch.
A bit of fertilizer in each hole and a quite a bit of water. Of course Snuggles was right there to take it all in and roll in my nice loose dirt. Silly ole cat. With the miniature Hosta tucked in and the dirt tamped down and around, it was time to put the wagon in the potting shed and close it up, making sure all kitties were out and safe. It had happened that Harriet had not gotten out and was trapped for several days.
I had a great workout and a satisfying one. The grand scheme of things is that all the Hosta on the east edge of the acre will be moved up next to the patio porch under the Lilacs. Slow and steady is what is called for as the dirt is quite compacted. I love my sand shovel.
Tomorrow is going to be just as sweet as today . . . you can count on it.