Great Day

The snow pellets that bombarded the skylight in the kitchen this noon . . . we could have done without.  I came up from the sewing studio as I couldn’t place the noise.  I then realized it was similar to the noise last night when I was getting ready for bed.  I looked out and the rain puddles had frozen sheets on them.  The windows had raindrops that had frozen and ice pellets were making a racket.  All I can say is that I hope the amount of nitrogen that we got during this freakish 24 hours does the lawn a good turn.

What made this such a great day were the two long phone conversations that I received from the two kids.  Warmed the cockles of my heart right up it did.  The restrictions keep contact at bay.  After today, I again feel included.  Yup . . . that’s all it takes for this gal.

Today Dennis is deep into the re-plays of rodeos on the RFD television channel.  He may have seen them once . . . or twice.  It matters not.  He did check in with me to make sure we were still on for pancakes for supper.  He has his priorities straight.

Folk-Art-Quilt-TopThis afternoon I finished the Folk Art quilt top.  It truly is what the label stated.  It ended up being 72″ x 82″ and just large enough that I am questioning myself if I want to tackle quilting it.  We have the garage project that will take some time and arm work to have it ready for painting in June.  There is a limit and as time goes by, I can more easily recognize what that is.  Time will tell.  The kit, as it was given to me, will get finished in a quilt for someone to enjoy.  I have never been a fan of purchasing quilt kits as the time that it took someone to select and then cut the yardage that will be needed is sometimes less than good and also raises the price from what the yardage would be if I cut it myself.  I had the blocks laid out.  As I was cutting what went in between the blocks, aka: sashing, I realized that there wasn’t enough of the deep teal to put the 2.5″ border around the quilt top to mimic what was between the folk art blocks.  I dug deep and found some within my stashes that I had to make do with.  A bit darker than what was included.  It is what it was and now it’s history.  I do have enough of the many varied designs of the remaining fabrics that made up the 10″.  I intend to use them up, add a few more from my stashes and piece the back of the quilt top.  Waste not, want not.  Surprisingly it takes a good five yards for the backing.  It also adds to the expense of getting the quilt top into a quilt.

A bit of a break before pancake flipping time.  Dennis is anticipating cracking open the bottle of apricot syrup.  Me too!