Gray, Wet & Cool
Sometime back when we had those few, very few days in the upper 70s, I wondered when I could get a lawn chair out. That has been the lesser of what has been on my mind since then. Very little sun and oh so much wind.
Each year we have had Thrush birds build their nests under the awning on the west side of the house. Sad. Not this spring. A mother Robin has been finding wisps of reeds to ply a nest with. Hmm. I would have thought the huge evergreen on the northwest corner of the house would have provided more durability than one skinny metal bracket.
This morning was a telephone morning. Sister-in-law Jo called to let me know that a Wendlandt cousin had lost her husband to cancer. Jo and I did catch up with other news, be it quilting or yard work. We don’t call each other often . . . but definitely keep in touch.
With that phone call being had, it reminded me to call my aunt Janet in Brownton. Janet will be 90 later this year. She and her twin brother Jerald were the youngest of eight in my dad’s family. Janet is now the last remaining. Janet never had a family. There are several of us nieces that reach out often to her. Why not.
Something about today, perhaps just a day that neither Dennis nor I have felt compelled to stay busy. Funny how that happens once in a while. It is rare for us but when I listen to those close to our ages, not so much. We may be the exception to the norm.
Tomorrow for afternoon coffee, we are going to a friend of Dennis’ in one of the apartment’s common area. Lyle and Dennis have known each other their entire lives. Lyle can no longer drive and has very little hearing remaining. Lyle is happy to have people around him in his apartment home, and . . . smiles a lot.
We must say goodbye to April this weekend. For myself, I think time flies. If I had a lot of days such as today, I know I would feel much differently, as I do enjoy staying busy. These April showers are obliged to tip their hats off to the month of May to bring any, and I mean any flowers.