Gray and Cool

I don’t mind a gray and cool day once in a while.  In fact I didn’t mind it so much that I am still in my robe as supper is in the oven.  Hey . . . I am retired, I’ll have you know.

It has been a week since I was flitting around getting ready for the sewing retreat, being a good trooper at the retreat and now settled back in our home.

It’s not often that I totally take a day off.  That is . . . after the house was tidied, wrote out some household bills for Dennis to pop in the mail and make sure there was a casserole for the oven.  I also knocked out four towels for Megan’s skate club project.

Our lawnmowers are totally ready for the next go round.  I am hoping that go round will be the spring of 2020.  With the .20 inch of rain from last night, I might not be so lucky.

Dennis thought he was ahead of the game.  We went for afternoon coffee and when he pulled his little read pickup in the garage, there was either smoke or steam coming from under the hood.  It directly came out of the garage to sit in the driveway until he could safely open the hood.  The radiator was low on water, so that will be the starting place to look for the problem when he takes it out to the repair shop tomorrow morning.

Yup . . . if it is not one thing, it is the other when you want to live self sufficiently . . . and we sure do want to live here on Stauffer Avenue, taking care of what may come.