Good Temps

A cool and cloudy day . . . just perfect for getting the acre mowed and manicured.  I did sleep in this morning.  I must have been buried deep in the flannels as I didn’t hear much until nine a.m.  When I toddled into the kitchen and peered through the back door that was open . . . hmm . . . lawnmowers were parked in the driveway. 

I had been awake for a total of five minutes when Dennis came in for a refill of coffee.  Dennis had already been over to the far northeast part of the acre and had been mowing.  Well . . . bless his little heart!  He offered to start my push mower via the pull cord for me.  I did not give him the finger, but it was tempting.  I suggested he go to the patio porch and enjoy his coffee and I would be out in a bit.  My routine of a “bit” is: when the yard work of mowing and trimming is done, the beds have been stripped, laundered and dried,  so as to enjoy the fresh bed after the yard dust has been showered off.  When the washer was humming, I was ready to have the push mower started.  I could tell he thought I would never be ready.  So be it.   

All I can offer for my lax self is that my rest was required after the day of cleaning yesterday.  I do realize that Dennis forgets that I do what I do with shoulders and arms and knees that have only so much oomph.  There is a reaction to every action.  I know how to rest the body when the energy has been burned through the artificial joints, muscles and tendons.  I don’t make a big deal out of my body, so it’s not unusual for Dennis to forget.  There is nothing malicious from Dennis, he just forgets.

Sweet-HomeThe yard looks wonderful.  After we had put all the tools away we sat on the patio and enjoyed the accomplishment.  Dennis commented that by me doing the trimming on the acre, after I had the front yard mowed, sure polished the site of the mowing off.  During my “bit” I had taken out chicken for supper.  When we talked about supper, I said I was going to use up the potatoes that were left in the 5 lb. bag.  Before I finished the sentence, Dennis offered to go in and peel the potatoes.  Dennis does know how to show appreciation and I thought that that was a very romantic thing to do.  See . . . it all does work out.  No showing of the finger required.  

It sure looks like rain.  We could use it.  The rain we have had was soon sucked out of the ground by the strong winds of late.  

Enjoy the weekend and know that appreciation is out there in the smallest of deeds or thoughts.