Good News
If we say our prayers and wait long enough there can be good news.
Ever since a surgeon did me wrong by tacking up my bladder at a time that I needed a hysterectomy. . . life was never the same. That surgery was then followed by many other well meaning surgeons, trying to undo the damage, as I could hold no urine . . . at all. It was a challenge going to work every day packing depends and extra clothing. Surgeon Deb Lightner preformed the last surgery that worked at Mayo in Rochester. My bladder was removed during a procedure called a bladder augmentation. I have been full time self-cathing patient ever since . . . several decades now.
The prescription allowed for a minimal amount of latex catheters to be used each month. The solution was to boil them so as to reuse them. Not much choice other than restrict the amount of my fluid intake each day. That doesn’t play well for a healthy day. When I would think to put the kettle on, it was not the same as when Lena put the kettle on for a cup of instant coffee.
I digress. Yesterday via the UPS, a huge box was delivered, and I mean huge. My wonderful family doctor got an approval for a prescription that I may use as many catheters each day as needed. The best part is that the wording included “Not to be reused.” The kettle is being retired. I have a three month supply with a card allowing me to know, all I have to do is go online for reorders. The box was huge, the relief inside of me is huge. The smaller boxes inside the large box each hold 30 catheters. In my day-to-day life . . . each small box may last five days, not as the previous needing to last 30 days. Prayers and patience do work to our good. The best part was at the bottom of the invoice, it stated “Patient Portion: “None.”
When I had visited my doctor within these months he said he was working on this, as he felt I had been through enough. This may not seem like an earth shattering event, but . . . in my world . . . it rocks. Dennis was just as excited as I was. Over the decades, that dang kettle boiled dry several times with nothing good to follow.
Yup, keep older ones around, they can be awesome!