Good Aromas

There is a good aroma in the home this afternoon.  I slathered seasoning on a pork roast and it has been roasting at 250 degrees since ten this morning.  The best part will be the leftovers and most important the bone that will make a great soup for later this week.  I usually purchase a 4 lb. roast so I can dice and trim for several freezer bags of pork roast to use later on.  It makes for quick meals.

We did have a bit of outside work left for today.  Now that the fish pond has been drained, we needed to pay attention to  several soft spots in the exterior siding of the potting shed that also has the fish pond bladder attached to it.  Over years of water splashing against it, it needed attention.  Those sneaky little mice would just love to make those vulnerable spots into perfect size holes for them and to then give a shout out . . . “ya all come!”  Some new pitch packs were also placed into the potting shed as we are done with tucking away items into it.

Dennis set about cutting a piece of trim for me as I want to hang a wall hanging in the living room for the Christmas season.  Nothing fancy, just a piece of trim with a bit of sanding and it will be ready to go.  I have two new 3M Command Hooks for the rest of the story.

I worked a bit on two pillows that may be what is wanted for a customer.  Time will tell.

Yup . . . that roast is really wetting the appetite.  A few instant mashed potatoes and some Steamable Birds Eye Frozen Corn and we will be in high cotton.

A good bit of local effort to close down the day.