Full Sun!
It’s been a long time since I awoke to full sun coming up in the east.
My eyes were barely open when I noticed the little red pickup in the drive. That tells me that the ole cowboy has plans. He came in and told me if I wanted to ride along, he would be leaving by 8:30 and he would have hot coffee and cookies along for my breakfast. Who was I to say no!
Right on target at 8:30 we were on HWY #4 heading north. Dennis was weary of leaving our home only for doctor appointments. He wanted to check in with Kevin and Kersten in Fairfax. It had been some time that we had done that. That is just exactly what my dad would have been up to on a moment’s notice.
True to form . . . we checked in with the kids and took notice of all the improvements that had been made to the automotive shop, aka: Kevin’s Garage. We bid them a good day, I made sure I got hugs from both of them, and we were back home just a little after 11 am. Dennis must have mentioned several times on the ride home, he felt good knowing all was going well for them. I totally agreed. Gotta love the guy as this road date was my birthday present from him.
I had the afternoon in my studio and I made inroads stitching together six 4.5 ” scrappy blocks. This entire project is about using scraps that are on hand. I am always thrilled, when after much seaming, with a small block the seams align and the correct measurement has been attained. I knew when I saw stitcher Lu’s finished project, I wanted a try at this pattern. It was kind of her to make sure I would have it. There will be a time when she will check in on me as to how I am coming. Fair enough.
We are having a Ham and Egg Bake dish for supper that grandson Nicholas sent with his mom when she came on my birthday. Fantastic.
I hope everyone has a great weekend as I know Dennis and I already have had a great start to it.