Full Steam Forward for the Week.
Starting off the week with the first step being done in getting Dennis’ pickup on a schedule at the body shop. It is a 2005 and it needs some TLC on the lower panels.
Last week our insurance fellow emailed me and asked for a list of meds that we use in prescription form. Our drug policy with Blue Cross, Blue Shield was going from $45.00 per month for each of us to $64.00 in 2021. This morning we received a phone call and we will be at Mark’s office tomorrow at nine. Apparently, he had found a company for the 2021 year that will cover what we use via prescriptions for $15.00 per month for each of us. Now . . . talk about your home town people going the extra mile.
This afternoon we managed to get one of the slider patio door covered with plastic. It may help with drafts. It is the one to the north. I say “we” with tongue in cheek. Quilters have a way of working with volumes of product quite efficiently. The service door to the patio porch is off limits this winter. There was plenty of plastic from one tarp to also do the service door. Putting on the plastic, I couldn’t believe the fresh air hitting me in the face as I worked with the plastic. No tape was applied to the paneling in the patio porch. That wood look of printed surface is so thin, it wares off very easily around a light switch. Next spring that tape would have left a very sad look as the tape would be pulled off. Dennis wants to also do the west slider. This afternoon I begged off to let my neck take a break. It wasn’t hard work, but difficult maneuvering tape and the plastic as static cling can set in easily. Snuggles was a huge pain in the butt wrangling around the loose plastic. I put a piece of tape on his tail and after much racing around the patio porch trying to figure out what was chasing him, Dennis felt sorry for him and took off the tape. Snuggles jumped into one of the nesting baskets and stayed for the remainder of the task at hand.
The UPS depot opens at four in the afternoons. Aunt Lorraine’s dish towels will be in Arizona on Thursday. Hmm. The fellow had me spell out Lorraine’s name as he couldn’t read cursive. A good deed done for a family member.
We are on to having leftovers for supper. I love that type of a meal.
It was a good day with a few items knocked off the “to do” list. Taking items in stride is so much better than putting it off for another day. Do we have “another day” guaranteed?