From A.M. to P.M.
There must have been something extra in our coffee this morning. Dennis was on the rider lawnmower by 9:30 heading to the far portion of the acre. The threat of the two days of rain that is in the forecast may have spurred him on a bit, and with no dew on the grass it was a perfect fit. I checked my list of what today held for me. I needed to run some errands and pick up several grocery items.
When I got home, I was using the same threat of rain to get the last of the largest gardens free of extra green stuff. The dirt was turned black and the Preen was put down. Now let the rains come.

Using neighbor Jan’s shed as a backdrop, Calvin’s
creative ironworks can be enjoyed from our patio. I have often
thought of painting a scene on the back of her shed.
As I said . . . a thought.
We have organized some of our garden art a bit differently this year. My brother, Calvin, had a creative knack with wrought iron-looking steel and his welder. In times past I had his garden art items placed in multiple places. This was the year to use them as a very unique type of fence. Dennis and I had not counted on very dense Maple tree roots to keep us from the ultimate setting, but we are very content with our efforts.

Snuggles finds the most interesting places to
disappear to. I would imagine the mesh of the lawnmower
bag makes a good hammock.
During the day of me working in the garden, Snuggles and Butter Ball kept taking turns keeping me company. If I thought they had given up on me, all I needed to do was look for either a yellow tail or a white tail peeking out from under a perennial. It is amazing that two four-legged critters can be used as enough company to keep me going to the very end. All tools got tucked away and now the waiting game begins to see when the rain starts and how much we end up getting. As I headed to the house from the backyard, Butter Ball was already choosing which of the rocking chairs he was going to grab a nap in. Snuggles had disappeared and I backtracked to seek and search until I found him.
The close of another successful day on Stauffer Avenue and I think I can speak for Dennis as well as myself . . . putting our feet up this evening is going to feel really good.