For the Long Haul

I am not one to pick a project for the sewing studio and anticipate it being a quickie.  I prefer the more intricate projects that last and last and last.  It’s comforting to know that I have something started and it is waiting for me to begin where I had left off.  That’s the beauty of the sewing studio.  No one is going to need that area and all can stay right where I left it.

To-Do-ListAbout twelve years ago, when I found out how much fun could be had with a Cricut paper cutting machine, I was enthralled.  Dover Publishing has always been a “go-to” place for unusual publications.  I ordered the Vintage Christmas book to copy images from the book onto paper selections to use in greeting cards.  I had long forgot about this treasure.

Looking through some of the older quilt books I knew I would like to do a log cabin design.  I had made one for Carrie that had white snow flakes appliquéd over the blues of the log cabin.  What I didn’t expect to find was a pattern I couldn’t get out of my mind.  I had even shared the pattern with the stitching gals.  There was more to this pattern than the run of the mill fabrics.  There were unique tiles that make the hub of each log cabin block.  Hmm.  Three different sizes of these tiles, totally 25.  It was time for one lost treasure to hook up with a new found quilt pattern.

Santa-CollectionJoAnn Fabrics was the source of the printable fabric to use with the ink jet printer.  It was a task to cover portions of the valuable printable fabric to capture either 3″, 5″, or 7″ images and save the remaining portion of the 8″ x 11″ paper backed printable fabric for yet another choice.  I had no idea how much ink I had to work with.  Today, as luck would have it, I finished all of the 25 images in the various sizes.  No doubt there will be new ink cartridges in the mail shortly.  The wireless printer keeps track of how many images have been printed out and I don’t need to seek and search in retail stores for the cartridges.

There is still quite a bit of work to do with the images.  The paper backing needs to be peeled off and then each one needs to have a cold water bath to take off any excess ink and to set the ink.  That in itself will be on a “few at a time basis” so as to not contaminate one to the other.  For my part, choosing the images and getting them printed out was huge!

This project is on the “Long Haul” list for the sewing studio.  I am looking forward to working on it slow but sure.  The slow but sure is due to the fact that today physical therapist, Mike T, began working on the area in between the shoulder blades, acknowledging the two reversed shoulders to work around.  It is amazing how working on the lower back effected what was south of there and north of there.  The ham strings in both hips responded as well as how it played out going up towards  the shoulder blades.  It’s truly a maze of connections.  I am so happy I bit the bullet and went for help.  The penguin walk is not desirable as I have many more steps to take and a burning back does not bode well for sewing.    

Dennis also has been busy.  The Watson boys came and capped of the outside water faucet that was knocked off of the house yesterday by an over zealous red pickup.  After the siding has been replaced, Watson’s will return and install a new faucet.  We are on a carpenter’s list to have the siding replaced that was shaved off by said red pickup.  We are in good shape for the shape we are in.

It is sunny and our driveway is totally free of ice and snow, ready for the next go-round.  It’s Friday, be happy and hug a loved one.  We are oh so fortunate that someone loves us and puts up with us.