Feel Good Times on Stauffer
Going back to Mom’s solution today when the winds were howling and cold could not be described. The window shades on the west and northwest side of our home are pulled down and closed. Perhaps it doesn’t dispel the cold from penetrating, but again, it worked for Mom.
Dennis spent a total of 10 minutes with the snowblower today. The city plows and the county plows can really pile up the heavy stuff at the end of the driveway. We did learn our lesson many years ago when the huge frozen deposit at the end of the driveway took off the muffler of the little brown Buick I had at that time.
Dennis is on spot! Last night after supper, I looked out to the patio porch. Through the east slider widow I could see that the deer were enjoying the shell corn Dennis had put out in the top of the bird bath. Dennis was elated. When Dennis had gone out to check on the furnace and the kids . . . the half pail of shell corn was gone. Dennis did put out a bit more when he was satisfied all was tucked in for the night. Dennis reported this morning that again, during the night, the treats had been enjoyed. This afternoon Dennis waited until about four before getting his empty ice cream pail ready with more corn. His reasoning was that usually birds and squirrels are not that active in the late date. Good times watching the deer. With the deep snow and the cold, the corn does give them a bit of added body heat.
I did spend some time in the sewing studio. I have been on a bit of a sabbatical since getting the queen sized quilt hemmed. Surfing one of the closed Facebook sites that I belong to, I had downloaded a pattern for a currency sized wallet. Hmm, zippers. I took it s
low as I had the perfect size of cork fabric and it didn’t allow for a boo-boo. I have mentioned it before . . . it bares repeating . . . I like a good challenge. If I would do a second one, of course there would be a few tweaks here and there. It does hold six credit cards as well as the I.D. slot in the mid section. Most likely it would include a snap for the closure rather than the strap for the top to be tucked behind to hold it in place. Live and learn. I love it.