Fall Feeling Friday

It might be Friday but neither of us heard the wind during the night that brought this fall feeling day. 

Dennis came in after his morning coffee and breakfast in the patio porch and went straight to getting his chores clothes on.  I had no clue who lit a fire under him until he explained: we had had a strong wind that took down a lot of tree tips and branches.

How sweet that Dennis has a sweeper to pull behind his mower to rake up just such a mess as this.  Before having this sweeper, I would have been out there with my six inch wide rake with lots of bending over and Dennis filling up several trash cans.

Friday-Kitchen-WaresI felt if he was going to do yard work, I would do a morning in the kitchen.  We both like to eat and we both like oven meals.  I had everything to pull this morning off.  Egg noodles with a pound of browned hamburger, a can of drained beans and garlic flavored Classico tomato sauce. The batch was huge.  After a photo shoot, I put two pans in the freezer for another fall-feeling day.  There will still be a wonderful amount for supper.  As I worked through the morning and the kitchen was filling with great aroma, I decided to do more.  What helped is that a while back we had stopped at the apple barn on 169 and had proceeded to tuck an apple pie in the freezer.  Today, I knew that I would do a batch of scones and follow that by baking out the pie.  

By noon, Dennis had completed the acre and I was finishing up the dishes.  We both felt like taking a noon break at the dining room table.  Dennis had equipment to clean up and I had a bed to make.  As the kitchen commotion was going on, I had bedding that I was swapping out in the laundry.   

It is now mid afternoon and time for some patio sitting with our feet up.  Of course I checked out the acre, and it indeed looks as if it has been raked by a professional.  I know I will get rave reviews for our five o’clock supper we will be enjoying . . . complete with apple pie for later.  One good turn deserves another.

I see that I need to change the date on my camera.  Hey . . . if I figured out the wireless printer to get it back online . . . I have got this.