Enough for the Day
We had decided last week when the new tabs for the license plates of the pickup needed to be purchased to inquire about the “real I.D.” In case someone of our family was traveling out of state and we had to take a plane for emergency purposes, we would need the new requirements. We have no plans to get passports. Then the fun began.
In the county recorder’s office of our county, Dennis’ birth certificate has his spelling of his name as Denis. How could Dennis have been drafted into the Army with all of his military paperwork giving his name as Dennis. His social security card is Dennis. We were handed a packet as to how WE need to proceed to correct this before the “real I.D.” process could continue. When we came home, we put the tabs on the pickup and the packet of information that WE needed to work with was left on the corner of the table.
Today I was brave enough to go through a small strong box that had been Dad’s to see what paperwork we had collected since Dennis and I have been together. In the collection were title cards to our vehicles, each of our high school diplomas, quite a bit of Dennis’ military paperwork, the abstracts for our real estate and some older envelopes. I had my confirmation certificate and my birth certificate. That little envelope from the county for the birth certificate was issued in 1991. That was the year Dad had gone through his treasure trove of papers and realized my name was misspelled and he and mom had corrected it. In a yellowed envelope was a card that had been issued when Dennis was baptized. When I was going to read through the scripture that was inside, a very tattered piece of paper had been folded. It was “Notification of Birth Registration.” October 2nd, 1936, one Dennis Howard Curry was born to Thomas and Edith Curry. It was a record of birth registered. The baptism card also stated Dennis Howard Curry.
I think the packet that we were to work through to clean up a spelling of a name is going to be returned and the county will have to work backwards to clean up their record.
After that, I was on fire. I went ahead and did our income tax for 2019. I have it finished and printed out via TaxAct. All I need to do is . . . of course . . . send money with when I send the returns to the United States Federal Government and the Minnesota State Government. I also now have a headache. Go figure.
For the first time ever, the cat’s water dish had a skim of ice on it in the heated garage when Dennis went outside this morning.. Grant it, the thermostat is set at 40 degrees as the lowest setting, but sitting close to the outside wall makes a difference. It’s bound to get better. With what I did today, I can tell you I had quite a head of steam on and I didn’t notice the cold.