I was up early today. I slept soundly from nine last night until seven this morning when I heard the coffee pot going off.
I checked my usual items on the HP in the living room while enjoying the coffee. It really tasted as good as it smelled this morning. My second cup of coffee I had while sitting on our front deck. It is enjoyable watching traffic and watching birds in the huge evergreen right off of the deck. Enjoyable until I heard in no uncertain terms that mama Robin was not happy. On both ends of the awning, Robins have made a nest. I teased her for a bit longer before I gave her space.
It was very apparent that the dewpoint was low this morning. The grass in the front yard was not glistening with dew. I put on my garden shoes and headed outside. Dennis was at his PT appointment but had left the weed trimmer with a charged battery in the patio porch. The agreement was he would mow and I would trim. It looks so much nicer when there isn’t a halo of tall grass around everything that a rider mower can’t get to. I only trim on our original acre as now we do have an additional barn acre. By the time I have used the battery up, the trimming is done and I can feel that I have used up the energy I had for this task. Dennis would be mowing that area after the PT appointment.
Cleaning off grass clippings from my pants, I made sure to break off some catnip before heading to the house. Snuggles was right there rolling in it. Several spots for several cats.
It may well get to the 83 degrees that KNUJ was forecasting. I intended to spend time in the studio. When Dan at PT takes care of Dennis’ foot with new dressings, I do not have to do it in the same day. The oven dish that I had taken out of the freezer for last night’s supper will have a repeat performance for this evening. The remains of the day I pretty much had to myself.
It was smooth sailing today making and sewing trim onto the remaining t-shirt blocks. When the last block was trimmed, the sewing machine and lights were shut off. I still need to poodle through the thoughts about orange sashing versus black sashing. The next visit to the studio will be cleaning and oiling the sewing machine, complete with a new needle. By that time, I will have made a decision. For today . . . enough is enough.
My cheery red reading chair is beckoning me. The front deck might be a good spot for reading but I cannot hold a book with my arms and hands. I have a great stand sitting on a table in my bedroom porch that is perfect. All I need to do is turn the pages. Mission completion.