Empathy Gives Moral Support

My Space – My Time – My Day
I keep hearing that the temps are going to begin dropping and the mid 70 degree type of weather would be here for us to enjoy. I am waiting patiently. When the calendar shows me it is May followed by June and now it is July – I want to be outside. I have been forced in and down, right into my sewing room. It just isn’t fair. I listen to forecasters when they say no one should be outside if they can prevent it. I can prevent it and my heart goes out to those that had to work in the beast of the heat last week. It was with relief when news would come at the end of those hot days, the work had been successful in the heat and now it was time to rejuvenate for the next day. I know in my younger days I was perhaps stacking hay bales behind a New Holland baler in that very same type of heat. I can so empathize with those that are now in that place where no matter what the heat the work needs to get done. Mentally I send lots of moral support and that is all I can do. Who would have thought that one day I would be at an age where that is all I can offer. In my mind I still think I could be out there with the best of them with the attitude of “bring it on.” It’s a good thing the body sometimes speaks louder than my mind.
In the shelter of my sewing room I am keeping busy waiting out the weather. By being busy I feel that I am contributing and have something to show for the day the good Lord has given me. I did learn that life’s lesson from my Grandmother Laura. For me, at the end of each day I need to mentally lay down my physical work of the day for the Lord to see I really appreciate and like my life and my day was not wasted. My old Sears sewing machine is in good working order and it will be my saving grace until the heat and bugs break and I can be outside getting my finger nails dirty. It’s important to give myself a batch of moral support to stay strong and vital. Catch ya later.