Efforts Were Split
Dennis wanted to stay close to home today to wait for “people.” The snowblower, which has quite a bit of age on it, needed some tender loving care. The throttle was touchy. If lowered a bit too much the snowblower would back-fire. Not to worry. Charlie made a house call and tweaked it to perfection. Charlie works for the county as a mechanic. Good job Charlie and good job Dennis for staying on top of things before the snowblower was needed to be put in action. Monday is to be a snowy day.
Dennis just called me from the patio porch. His pan of alfalfa pellets and cracked corn has company. The lights are on in the patio porch and the television is on – I am sure fairly loud. The pan is four feet from the patio sliding doors. How fun for Dennis, and the cats are sitting right at the base of the doors watching also. These two deer, I am quite sure are the two fawns from last year. Oh my gosh, they were so small then compared to the two that are out there now.
I digress. I went to Mankato today to pick up supplies for Dennis’ CPAP machine. All supplies are prescription-based. Medicare and our insurance supplement honor pickup of supplies . . . if they are stated to be a month’s supply . . . that date needs to be adhered to as to when the last prescription was picked up. Not one day earlier. When Dennis went in for a checkup in October and to get a renewal of these CPAP supplies, the doctor wrote the prescription for three months worth. So, February 6th is on my telephone’s calendar to make the return trip. It does all work if you play by the rules.
All is good here and I think the largest challenge facing me for tomorrow is to pick up milk. Dennis informed me that when he had his oatmeal and flax Noon meal, he emptied the 1/2 jug.