Due Diligence
Seeing projects through to their ends is, indeed, due diligence. Off and on during the heat of the summer, I have been working on my scrappy quilt project. Quilt projects are always a challenge when working with fabric and threads. Having the vision of the final hurdle needs patience until the due diligence has been done.

I did not need to use the little silver tool to thread the finer sewing needles until I reached my 70th birthday. I never fully appreciated how much easier life could be with these little freebies.
This week, the hemming of the scrappy quilt is that last hurdle. Hand hemming is still the most desirable option. High loft batting, fluffy flannel, scrappy quilt top and the binding makes too many layers under the Model 1802 Sears sewing machine for a quality looking hurdle. My Mom preferred the blind stitch for hemming. Double quilt thread in a very sharp needle fills the bill. Think about it: you are in the bed and tug the quilt up tight to your chin, the hem edge often times feels that tight tug. The double threaded needle of tough quilt thread sure can’t hurt to keep the binding in place. As it is the blind stitch, I am able to use the white quilt thread I had on hand as it wouldn’t be visible.
I don’t mind the time it takes for hand hemming. A project such a this deserves that quality of time. One of my Dad’s favorite sayings: “You don’t have time to do it right, but you always have time to do it over.” Wow, what pops into my mind immediately after typing that line is the amount of farrowing crates the kids’ dad built, each time thinking the latest was the greatest. Both Kevin and I do not mind taking the time in doing projects right the first time. I can’t speak for Carrie, as her hubby Jeremy drives that engine. I like due diligence.
Regardless of how warm and humid it is outside, driving me into the sewing room to begin with, I don’t like sitting at the sewing table for long periods of time. A tender back makes for moving often. There is junk mail to check out, putting a new blurb onto my blog, or checking the refrigerator for what is available for suppertime fixings. Time frames are workable when those of Stauffer Avenue are retired. Checking the weather forecast, I think Wednesday will be a day for outside work: a lower dew point and temps in the low eighties.