Ducky Day

It didn’t know if it wanted to rain or just be gloomy and dark.  I made trails for the sewing studio where the LED lights are always bright.  I didn’t have a reason in the world to be out and about today.  Via a text from neighbor Jan, we missed the fact that the air has been smelling like popcorn due to one of the huge storage bins having caught fire on Monday.  Yup, I need to poke my head outside oftener.  

Over time I have been gifted quite a few things for the sewing studio.  What has found its way to my home has not gone unused.  Multi-dimensional crafter and sewer that I am, I dabble in a bit of everything.  When nephew Brett closes up his concrete business for the season, he has been on the receiving end when it comes to what I have excess of.  He asks and if I have it, I share it.

Today was the sifting and sorting of threads.  Oh my gosh!  100% cotton, dual purpose, 100% polyester, cotton silk finish, quilting, embroidery, rug warp . . . and it all needed to be organized.  It may have taken me most of the day, but I know going forward I won’t have to read little labels . . . only choosing colors. 

I try to stand on the last of the basement steps going into the sewing studio and use fresh eyes to see how the sewing studio appears.  After three days of organizing, feeding the recycling bin, combining like items into one container . . . I like the looks of the sewing studio shelves.  Oh no, the basement walls holding all of the shelves hanging from the top of the concrete block walls are not in any danger of imploding.  We are good going into the cooler fall and winter.  Martha Stewart would say, “It’s a good thing.”

The mail came today and the JoAnn Fabric flyer went to the circular file.  I am holding true to the 2020 year of working out of the stashes.  It should go easier being able to identify what thread is needed and where to find it.

A second night of chili for us.  Gotta love leftovers.